
In a national scenario that sees health care and social security needs of the population on the rise, the Group aims to consolidate its leadership in the health care sector and its important role in social security through the evolution of services and products, with greater integration between the Welfare and Life segments and a special focus on prevention.

The Group’s role as a key player in the integration process between public and private welfare came to light during this historical period characterised by an unprecedented pandemic.

The response to COVID-19 necessarily favoured remote solutions. In particular, UniSalute accelerated the implementation of innovative prevention models, taking charge and care of customers also using IoT and Telemedicine, in which the Group is heavily investing to increase the accessibility of its services.

It was during this health emergency that UnipolSai Assicurazioni, in synergy with UniSalute, launched the range of solutions #Andràtuttobene: new products for individuals and companies linked to COVID-19.