The Unipol Group has signed the EURESA Declaration to promote the ecological and social transition

Faced with the challenges of climate change,
mutual and cooperative insurers that are members of Euresa
are joining forces to promote an ecological and social transition

The Unipol Group has signed the EURESA Declaration to promote the ecological and social transition in the face of the challenges brought by climate change and to affirm the key role of insurance in the prevention and management of risks.

As a member of EURESA, the European association of mutual and cooperative insurance companies, the Unipol Group has signed the Declaration to promote the ecological and social transition in the face of the challenges brought by climate change.

EURESA underscores the key role of insurance in coping with emerging risks. Under the Declaration, members reaffirm their practical commitment - through governance policies, investments and awareness-raising actions - to contributing to a more responsible economy and promoting the prevention of health-related, property-related and environmental risks.

The Unipol Group and the EURESA member companies, together with all public and private stakeholders, are determined to build a future in which insurance represents a pillar of stability and inclusion for a more cohesive and resilient society.

Read the Declaration.