Daniela Preite


Born in Ruffano (LE) in 1969

Holds a degree in Economics and Banking Science from the University of Lecce

Certified Public Accountant and enrolled member of the Register of Auditors

In 1996, she began her university career as an Associate Professor of Business Economics at the University of Salento for more than twenty years. Today, she is Affiliate Professor at the Division of Government, Health and Not-for-Profit at the L. Bocconi University, as well as Associate Professor of Business Economics at the University of Milan.

She has combined her academic career with a varied experience in the cooperative area, where she has held numerous managerial positions and has been a member of the Board of Directors of, among others entities: Legacoop Lombardia, Scuola Coop – Istituto Nazionale di formazione delle Cooperative di Consumatori, Associazione Nazionale Cooperativa di Consumatori and Coop Lombardia.

She has been:

  • Since 2017, Standing Auditor of Cassa Mutualistica Interaziendale;
  • Since 2017, Standing Auditor of Insieme Salute – Mutua Sanitaria Integrativa;
  • Since 2018, Standing Auditor of the listed company IGD SIIQ S.p.A.;
  • Since 2022, Director of UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A.
Last updated:Apr 18 2024